Monday, October 30, 2017

Week #58

i swore in ditrict meetings this week
This week was one from Satan. It was also really really good tho! It’s been above 100 almost everyday. We were able to set 3 baptismal dates all with a family this week which is awesome I am really excited for them!

Monday we went to the La Brea tar pits. It was lame and super stinky. Then after p day we went and gave a member a blessing and found out he was the ward mission leader and he was just ready to help us with the work! He is a stud. His name is Luis Ambriz and he is about as LA as anyone can get.

Tuesday was hecka hot and we went to see this other member who is un poco crazy. We stood in her doorway for like an hour and a half.. she said she can’t decide between the Baptist church and the church of the elders.. we found her a bus route to the church and said we would love to see you there.

Wednesday we went up to the VC and had a meeting with the VC director about an all Spanish devotional on the 1st of December. It’s going to be off the chains. After we had a lesson with a less active family who was so close to going to the temple. We are going to be working with them a bunch. Then I celebrated my birthday with a family that always feeds us. After we exchanged and I went with Elder Maya.

Thursday we went to district meeting and then hit the pavement. We talked to some hobo that the only thing he could remember from our church was Lorenzo Snow and his big white beard. He gave us a referral for another hobo. It was a great exchange wit went really well!

Friday Elder Galli and I had hecka lessons. We first went to another districts district meeting and as I was explaining the form form we have to fill out if we get in a car accident I was saying “you have to rip off the pink sheet and give it to the other driver” instead of saying sheet I said shi* I’m the flipping worst. Everyone started to laugh. Guess I remembered my dads childhood story about a pink house lol. After district meeting We were running around trying to stay on time with our lesson! But we had an amazing member present lesson with the familia Ambrocio. It was great! They all easily accepted to be was a powerful lesson, and they are at a point in their lives where they are ready to make a change in their lives. We also exchanged again at like 9:45. I went with my freaking boi Elder Romriell

Saturday we started by playing basketball at a part with the other LA 4th elders and the Russian Elders. It was fun! We had a pretty busy day with working, helping a member move, eating pupusas and going to a party at the church. It was awesome. Elder Romriell is still the OG love him to death.

Sunday was we went to church and we had one of our meh investigators there that was good she really liked it! After we had a lesson with the dad of one of our investigators. It was really cool to see the change he made from the time he opened the door till we left. When he opened the door you could tell he was like no I’m catholic and you’re not going to change me. After we said a prayer and just started to talk with him about the restoration it really made him think and open up to us. It was really cool to see how by just testifying of simple truths can bring the spirit to change peoples hearts! Excited to go back and see what’s up!

Also keep preaching for the Dodgers! I think they are doing good! We are starting to see melted plastic trash cans on the streets!!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Week #56

This week was good! We had a ton of success! It was crazy cool! Plus something for the first time happened in my life!

Last Monday we just chilled and went to the UCLA sports museum and did temple service!we helped set up sound equipment in the temple workers conference room. This room legit could fit a football field in it. That how big the LA temple is... after p day Hermana garcia made some bomb tortas for us. It was the best.

Tuesday went on emergency exchanges with a district who hasn’t found an investigator in a while. We went with the district leader to try and figure it all out. We went and worked hard in his area. It was a great exchange tried to help them out the best we could!

Wednesday we had a ZLC planning for the next transfer. Talking about what we need to do to fix it and make it better! After we went and ate lunch with a member the. Went straight to have a lesson and get to know this less active that wants to return to church. She is awesome and she said her goal is for her husband to join the church! But for right now she said the cousin of her husband wants to learn! From there we went straight to another less actrices house and got to know here and talk with her! It was great! Then straight from there we went to recent converts house to finish up their new member lessons. It was a great day!

Thursday we had our final district meetings. It was good and sad. Then straight from there we went to el Segundo because Elder E had a doctors appointment. That ate up a good chunk of our day when we came back we went straight to dinner. Then we just worked around. The area.

Friday we got up went out and worked all day. We went to the church that night. As we were turning into the parking lot of the church a motorcyclist tried to pass us in the right side and smashed into the side of us! We got out he was unconscious. But he came to and then the ambulance police and of course members came to help and see what happened. It was so weird cause we had no idea what was going on when he hit us.. we hope everything is ok with him tho! Just call me Ash now!

Saturday we went and blitzed the Westwood areas (aka Beverly Hills and bel air) that was fun. I like working in those Areas cause you have to the mind set of I don’t give a crap. It was fun talking to people and we actually had some success! After the blitz we went to our wards día de hispanidad. It was cool. They got up there and danced on the stage. Then we ate. It was pretty fun,

Sunday we had church and after we had stake reports with president. And Sister Haynie along with president Rudd. After that we went to the baptism of Tobias. He is from Denmark here on vacation with his bros. He found the church in salt lake and came here and got taught and baptized! He leaves for Denmark today so it was super cool to be apart of that and help out at the baptism. That night we got the transfer email...... Elder Eldredge is leaving:(((( i am getting my first brown companion, Elder Galli from Peru. Don’t want to leave Elder Eldredge but I know this is by divine design and I need to be with Elder Galli.

Love you all! Have a great week!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Week #55

Finally I had an eventful week! This was a good one. A lot happened and we finally got time in our area!

Monday we went on a hike with Sister missionaries. It was really fun. Then they took us to get beef shawarma.. it was meh but it was a fun p day!

Tuesday we had to be at the Westwood building to give a training to all the new missionaries that are about to complete their first transfer. Our training was on inviting simply. It was. A good training we thought. It helped us reflect! Later that day we were walking the neighborhood when I tried to stop some lady in Spanish she looks at me and yells I’m from the Philippines!!! Oops. She looked Latina they are starting to blend together for me...

Wednesday I was on exchanges with my boy Elder Romriell. He is from manan Idaho..... he ha to show me where that was. STICKS. It was a fun exchange! Elder Romriell is one of a kind. Funniest thing he said to me was I asked him what his dream car was... he answered idk I’m pretty set with my 1991 Subaru loyal... had to shrugged that one off.

Thursday we had Zone Conference. We had a special guest Elder Mervyn B. Arnold ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) of the seventy. Oh man he spit some hell fire at us. He did it in a very loving manner cause he knows how much better we can become! He also said we are one of the most obedient missions he has seen so he really loved us! He gave a lot of good trainings and the best part was at lunch! He wanted to meet with the zone leaders. So at lunch Elder E and I met with him together and solo. It was a little intimidating just him and I in a room talking but it was awesome. He wanted to know where we were from and how longing we have been out, he wrote it all down with my pen and kept it... I hope he is still using it.

Friday the Wilshire elders called us and said they can’t go to district meeting cause some random number wanted to take them to the griddle for breakfast.. we were like what the heck that’s weird. Then it hit me. I asked if the number started with 208 they said yeah it does. I told them that’s for us and it’s Bubba lol. So we went to the griddle with Bubba and some of his staff! Man it was good to see him! Plus it w was Elder E birthday.

Saturday we got to go work a bunch in our area! It was awesome! Out talking to people we were able to find one new investigator that day!

Sunday was stake conference with Elder Mervyn B Arnold ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). He gave a great talk and it was nice to see the Manhattan building full! Plus Enrique got his interview for the priesthood and he will be getting it next week! Then we went to the visitor center with Enrique for a fireside. It was about space and the gospel. It was hecka boring. It was so boring that Enrique took his translator out of his ears and just sat there in confusion. I don’t blame him.

Love this Gospel! I can truly see the importance it plays in my life. I am excited to have it continue to shape my life!

Have a good week! Love you guys!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Week #54

This week was great! Nothing really happened cause we had a lot of meetings but we still found time to work!

Tuesday we. Found Viviana and Esmeralda. They. Have been taught for about a year but were recently turned over but we got in and talked with them and found out where they are at! They are awesome and have a lot of potential! 

Wednesday we had MLC all day long pretty much so I will leave it at that. 

Thursday us and the STLs gave a training on the new chapter 8 of PMG it. Was awesome and I hope everyone in the zone takes it and applies it into their areas! Love the new chapter 8 all about t setting goals. I love goal setting and I am getting better at it!

Friday something super cool happened. Elder Thomson called us and asked if we could go to a children’s hospital in Hollywood to give a blessing to one of the recent converts infant in the hospital. It was such an amazing experience as we put our fingertips on this baby’s head and gave it a blessing as it was preparing for heart surgery the next day. It just made me Always be worthy to hold such a sacred privileges. I can bless other especially my future family.  The hen we went and had a video chat lesson with my boy Ryan Peceraro! Right as we connect he goes ITS FREAKIN TALMAGE CLARK! It was good to see him and catch up and to ask him what he believes in and where is in believing in God. After we went to a missionaries fiesta because he came home from his mish. The food was good but after I got a mad case of what Andy from parks and rec calls “hot snakes and bubble gut...” it wrecked me for the weekend 

Saturday and Sunday were  full of conference loved was amazing to hear the simple testimonies of the apostles yet it had so much meaning and love behind it. I feel trike there was 3 main things. Taught at this session of general conference. 1 serve others, bring happiness and light into the lives of others through service 2 the power of reading the book of  Mormon daily. 3 support and sustain the leaders of the church all the way down to bishops. It is such a blessing to be able to hear from men of God to receive help and guidance every six months! This church is true!

Love all of you have. A great week!
Guess the pics didn’t send from last week but here they is 
  1. Us waiting to get street tacos #YMI
  2. our boi josh and us holding a Peruvian flag
  3. Zone kickball last Monday 
  4. Cool pic of the temple 

Week #53

This week was great! Not a whole lot happened and we didn’t have too much time in the area but it was good! We lost our dinner calendar so I lost couple of lbs. this week but we chillin.

Monday we had Zone kickball and that was lit! It was probs the funnest p day I have had out in the mish.

Tuesday we did straight nothing. It was interview day so we were up at the mission office keeping track of time from 8:30 till about 5 when we finally got to go into the temple and do an endowment session! Man oh man it was needed to be in there. It felt good coming out and just feeling cleansed and ready to go and work. But it was like 8:30 so we had to go home lol. I am very grateful we have temples today. I am grateful I can go to the temple 4 times a year to first serve the people who didn’t have the opportunity to make these covenants here and also to remind me of the covenants I have made With my Heavenly Father. They are truly a blessing and I can’t wait to go more frequently when I am home!

Wednesday nothing happened just worked in our area and got to meet someone cool! Then that night we exchanged with the APs

Thursday I was with my boy Elder Pearson. It was a last exchange together. He has been one of my most favorite missionaries out here. We really relate well and when I am with him I want to be better. It was awesome and it’s gonna suck when my boi leaves.

Friday same thing just worked in the area.

Saturday we had a ZLC that went for 2 hours. It was good and we just talked about the zone and how we e can make it better. After that Elder Eldredge treated me to some pupusas. Then we worked in our area

Sunday was church and the confirmation of Enrique. It has truly been a blessing for to see him go through the whole baptism progress. Glad we get to continue working with him!!! After church josh was baptized. He is the sister cute lil 9 year old convert. His dad is super cool too. After we went and had dinner at a members house then started to plan a training for this upcoming week!

Love all of you have. A great week!