Spanish is coming along great i really only know two phrases
es retrosado -thats retarded
esta iluminado -its lit
jk jk but the gift of tongues is so real. i can bare a simple testimony but i can feel the spirit so strong and i can pray in spanish and the more i do those two things the more i remember and the easier it is for me to put sentences together and to understand what is being said.
since ive learned patience the lord gave me something else to work on charity and love. i love my companion and have no problem with him but there is another elder that is just driving me up the wall cause all he does is talk him self up and our whole district just know hes full of it. but i want you guys to read the love and charity paragraph in preach my gospel it has helped me this week but im still working hard at always seeing the good in others
ok to my subject. i have two funny stories to tell the first one we were in the lunch room and whenever people drop their lunch treys we start clapping for them. so we heard a big crash and my whole zone started to clap and then an old man comes and grabs an elder in my zones neck and yells at us "the president wants to know why you elders are clapping" all of us just sat there and sat there and looked at him. it was funny.
second story. we were at the Tuesday night devotional and they show the crowd and two guys in my zone just got there and fell asleep they were like hunched over asleep and they were showing the crowd and zoomed in on those two asleep and the rest of our zone was just cracking up laughing they hurried and switched cameras. should have been there.
there are already problems starting to rise from my district. and i have to take care of it. i feel bad for the one elder because the other elder is just bossing him around and wont give him any say in anything .
still love getting all of those dear elders. i love reading them before i go to bed every night.
i love and miss you guys
Elder Clark
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